random tales & rambling bits about rediscovering a creative life while working a corporate gig.
Movie: Miller's Crossing, CS: Morphine's Cure for Pain - that wasn't that hard. 8)Kevin
Hey - how'd you know that was my first CD pick? ;)
Lily Allen, we have one in common!
Ok - here's what I ended up submitting:Movies:1. Harold & Maude2. Breakfast Club3. High FidelityCDs:1. Morphine "Cure for Pain"2. Beatles "Revolver"3. The Flaming Lips "The Soft Bulletin"
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Movie: Miller's Crossing, CS: Morphine's Cure for Pain - that wasn't that hard. 8)
Hey - how'd you know that was my first CD pick? ;)
Lily Allen, we have one in common!
Ok - here's what I ended up submitting:
1. Harold & Maude
2. Breakfast Club
3. High Fidelity
1. Morphine "Cure for Pain"
2. Beatles "Revolver"
3. The Flaming Lips "The Soft Bulletin"
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