Thursday, August 10, 2006

Get the Little Man Out of My Head ... or ... How I Became Addicted to Coffee

I realized something yesterday ... I should never, *never* start the day without coffee. I don't know how it happened. I mean, the day started as usual (with me running behind schedule) but then it just got away from me and the next thing I know, it's 11:30 am, there is no caffeine in my system and a little man is desperately trying to kick my eyeballs out of my head (ok, I'm just picturing him as a little man ... maybe more gnome-like ... or even a bit of an elf).

I discovered (or, rather, was introduced to) coffee when I was 9. My mom used to make stuff and sell her wares at holiday craft fairs (it was the '70s ... think macramé, decoupage and Christmas ornaments galore). At one particular craft event in Concord, it was insanely cold (December) so Mom determined we needed hot beverages. Unfortunately, the snack shack at the end of the community-center-turned-craft-boutique offered nothing in the way of a child-friendly, hot chocolate-like beverage. Mom (being clever) bought me a coffee instead and loaded it with several packets of cream-like powder substance and sugar. I think it was only a week or so before I was drinking my coffee black.

Coffee Black. Straight-up. Leaded. Regular ... except when in New York City. While visiting a friend in NYC several years ago, I discovered that to New Yorkers, "regular" means cream and two sugars. Suddenly my images of the tough New York crowd were shattered as I realized they drink their coffee the way I did when I was 9. But I digress ...

A true coffee junkie will drink coffee from almost anywhere. Pots of coffee at Farm Boys (now defunct), early-morning grabs at 7-11 or the local gas station, hell, even Starbucks. It's an addiction. But when times are good, you ride the java wave of Peet's or a good local roaster like Dana Street or Barefoot Coffee Roasters.

Today was a good day.

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