Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Harrar & Honky Cats ...

Two days in and already I'm asked about when I'm going to post ... guess creating a blog sets expectations that there will be semi-regular updates of news, observations and pithy bits. I claim to offer none of these things but I will attempt to scribe now and again.

The request for posting occured during a conversation at Dana Street Coffee, the location where I discovered -- or, rather, learned of -- the incredible Harrar coffee. (I thank the coffee roaster/band booker for expanding my caffeinated repertoire.) As with my last visit to Dana St., music was a key theme so, with that ...

Go listen to Elton John's "Honky Chateau."

My first listen of this album was from Mom's stereo (the album opened up creating a big impression on a little kid) ... signing along to Honky Cat, I wondered what it would be like to meet someone like Amy. Was it warped for a grade-schooler to be reciting such lyrics?
Think I'm gonna kill myself
Cause a little suicide
Stick around for a couple of days
What a scandal if I died

I always found I Think I'm Gonna Kill Myself to be filled with humor. Guess I'm just twisted that way. Maybe I'll have a cup of coffee.

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